PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Trap which sets on counter tops, cabinet shelves, pantry areas and works by attracting target insects who are out foraging around. Once lured to the trap they will be caught by the thick oil base lure which captures and holds trapped pests till they die.
WHERE TO USE IT: Shelves of cabinets and pantries where activity has been observed. Simply set the trap out in any corner or against the wall, fill it half way with the included oil based pheromone lure and leave it be.
RATE OF APPLICATION: Generally one every couple of cabinets. Most infestations will need several traps set out immediately so it is best to get yourself at least two “3 packs” to start (there is a “buy 5 get one pack free discount option) . Inspect them once every few days when first placed out so you will be able to judge where the most activity is present. Expect certain locations to be more active then others and when identified, be sure to step up control measures in these locations. Be sure that the areas surrounding any trap with a lot of activity gets thoroughly treated with one of the concentrates or aerosols we have listed to insure the target pest is controlled and it’s life cycle broken.
$25.00 (3 pack) (826055)
Order online and save 5%
$220.00 (25 “3 packs” – 75 traps total)(826056)
Order online and save 5%
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