PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Plant oil based liquid which is used in the Mosquito Blocker machine. Used to “block” mosquitoes ability to track Co2 and octenol – two of the main ingredients in the breathe of humans as they exhale. These gases carry for several hundred feet and are detectable by mosquitoes. They will track these gases to the source which enables them to find a meal. By blocking their ability to detect these gases you can prevent mosquitoes from tracking you.

RATE OF APPLICATION: Each cartridge will last at least 30 days. However, since it only dissipates as the Blockers are on, you can get over 45 days from any one cartridge. The only reason that it won’t last longer is because it will evaporate under normal conditions and there is no preventing this once opened. Based on this fact you should expect to get about one month per cartridge; a little more if not used a lot.

$20.00   (742158)
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