PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Scaring sound device which lets out a loud sound designed to spook animals like birds, deer and other nuisance pests from an area. It is powered by propane and needs only a standard 20 lb propane tank attached to become functioning. No external power is required for the device. Simply connect the included regulator valve to a tank of propane and the device is ready to work. The regulator can be adjusted to release a blast every 30-60 seconds when fully open or less frequently by turning it closed more and more to cut down on gas flow. The exact amount of time between blasts is not exact since there are many variables like local temperatures, the amount of gas in the tank and altitude which all impact how often it will actually sound. It is suggested that you adjust it slightly in either direction and monitor the blast for a few minutes to make sure you are happy with the setting and then make more turns as needed. Since a small amount of propane is needed to activate the unit, you will get over 15,000 blasts from one tank full of propane. This means that a tank will last a long time and that operational costs are just pennies a day. The sound emitted will be in the 120 DB range so it is quite loud. BE SURE TO USE EAR PROTECTION WHEN SETTING IT UP AND TESTING UNIT OR IF YOU WILL BE IN CLOSE PROXIMITY OF A FUNCTIONING UNIT.
WHERE TO USE IT: Outside only. Great for use around boat docks, gardens, fields, orchards and generally anywhere there are nuisance birds or animals which you don’t want around.
RATE OF APPLICATION: Each Canon will protect 1-5 acres depending on the lay of the land. If it is wide open and fairly flat, you will get maximum coverage of up to 5 acres. If the land is dense and thick with vegetation, expect to get a maximum of 1 acre covered with enough sound. The use of the optional tripod will get sound to travel further by keeping the unit up higher and is recommended if you are trying to protect vegetation dense terrain.
$350.00 (747708)
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